For recipes discussed during today's episode, check out our show notes at HERE!
We have a few fun cooking classes coming up in October that you might want to check out. All of them will be live classes, happening on Zoom.
We will have a Hungarian honey cake class for beginners. Hungarian honey cakes are called mezeskalacs in Hungarian and these classes include the dough mixing and baking and decorating,
We will have a Szaloncukor Class – szaloncukor is the traditional Hungarian Christmas candy that is hung on the trees, and we will learn how to make and wrap these candies.
And we have a Meringue circles or Habcsok Class. Habcsok are an easy and sweet decoration you can hang on your Christmas tree. I will include all of the links for these classes in the show notes. Your October can be filled with all sorts of fun Hungarian holiday treats!
And, in case you haven’t heard, we are also offering Hungarian lessons this fall with a live teacher at a variety of skill levels! But hurry, our fall session starts in early September! There is some information at the Magyar Marketing website but you will need to message us right away so we can find a spot for you! You can call us at 1-800-786-7851 for more information on any of our upcoming classes.
The Georgia Statue to Honor 1956 Hungarian Revolution In this episode of the Hungarian Living podcast, I visit with Andrea Lauer Rice about an...
Find other ways to minimize your daily routine. Do not bring along strongly scented perfumes or lotions. If you are traveling with a group...
I grew up hearing lovely Christmas carols in Hungarian. I am sure hearing the sounds of Hungarian — and repeating them — has helped...