Zina Bozzay is the founder of the Hungarian Folk Singing Circle and teaches Hungarian folk songs in a variety of ways. If you want to dig a bit deeper into Hungarian folk music and learn some regional songs, there is are classes coming up! A few years ago, when I was in Hungary with one of our tour groups, I had the opportunity to participate in one of Zina’s classes “live” and it was great fun. Zina is enthusiastic, encouraging, patient, and very knowledgeable about Hungarian folk songs from a variety of regions!
Here are the ways to connect with Zina and see what she offers!
Hungarian Folk Singing Circle website: https://www.zinabozzay.com/nepdalkor
Current Class details: https://www.zinabozzay.com/nepdalkor-currentclasses
Class Registration: https://www.zinabozzay.com/nepdalkor-registration
Hungarian Folk Singing Circle Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hungarianfolksingingcircle/
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